Peer Health Exchange has worked with more than 500,000 young people, across the country, to build healthier communities in school settings.
selfsea is a place created inclusively with and for young people as a safe space to share knowledge on identity, mental and sexual health.
Our core values form the foundation of our organizational culture and guide our approach to achieving our mission and vision.
Every young person deserves a healthy, happy life—We believe in a world where every young person has full access and every opportunity to a healthy, happy life.
We value our Team—We believe in supporting our people with meaningful and ongoing opportunities for impact, growth, and leadership. We value our Team and strive to help everyone at Peer Health Exchange reach their full potential— developing them in their careers and abilities and engaging them through their contributions.
We rely on direct and honest exchange—We rely on direct and honest exchange for all that we do. We value communication as essential to articulating our vision and goals, forming strong relationships, working through challenges, and learning from and with our young people and partners.
We believe in the potential of every young person—We believe in the potential of every young person. We work to empower young people to make active, informed choices about their health. In turn, we recognize the value each one of us brings to our work. We commit to making full use of our own agency as individuals and as an organization in service of our goals.
We hold ourselves to meaningful and measurable outcomes—We know that achieving long-term success will require reflection, innovation, and sustained effort. To further our impact, we hold ourselves to meaningful and measurable outcomes, evaluate our successes and challenges openly, and act on what we learn.
Peer Health Exchange was founded by young people, for young people. In 1999, six Yale undergraduates began teaching health workshops in New Haven public schools in order to fill the gap left by an underfunded, understaffed district health program. In 2003, the founding members of the group established Peer Health Exchange to replicate this successful program in other communities with unmet health education needs.
College Students serving as Peer Health Educators
High School-aged Young People Recieving Health Education
Help Peer Health Exchange build healthier communities with young people. Peer Health Exchange is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.
If you would like to make a stock donation, please contact Jozette Belmont at