Building a Support Circle: How My Friends and I Care for Each Other’s Mental Health

Emaan Sheikh
When someone is going through a tough time, my friends and I have learned that creating a space where they feel safe to share their experiences allows us to be able to help them further. To us, that means no judgment, just listening; however, listening and group norms can be different for everyone, so we encourage you to discuss what habits are most important to you all. Additionally, one of the most important things I have noticed is that sometimes, we don’t need to offer advice—we need to be there. Knowing that someone is willing to listen without judgment has been an enormous comfort for all of us.

In today’s fast-paced, stress-filled world, mental health is something we all need to prioritize, especially during challenging times. However, I’ve learned that the support of friends can make a huge difference when it comes to my mental well-being! My friends and I have found a few simple but meaningful ways to lift each other up when things get tough. Here is how we strengthen each other:

1. Checking In Regularly

One of the most important ways we support each other is by simply checking in on each other. Whether through text, phone calls, or even in-person conversations, my friends and I make sure we know how each other feels. It can be just a quick, “How are you doing?” or a deeper conversation. I’ve found that sometimes, an effortless message can open the door for honest conversations about what’s really going on.

2. Creating Safe Spaces to Talk

When someone is going through a tough time, my friends and I have learned that creating a space where they feel safe to share their experiences allows us to be able to help them further. To us, that means no judgment, just listening; however, listening and group norms can be different for everyone, so we encourage you to discuss what habits are most important to you all. Additionally, one of the most important things I have noticed is that sometimes, we don’t need to offer advice—we need to be there. Knowing that someone is willing to listen without judgment has been an enormous comfort for all of us.

3. Encouraging Breaks and Self-Care

During stressful times, whether it’s exams, personal challenges, or anything else, we remind each other to take breaks and practice self-care. Going for a walk, skincare, or watching your favorite show can help you recharge.

4. Being Open About Our Struggles

One norm that has really strengthened our group is being open about our struggles. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person going through a tough time, but when we share our experiences, it is clear that we are not alone. This openness helps my friends and me break the stigma around mental health, and it encourages honesty.

In the end, supporting each other’s mental health is all about just being there, listening, and creating a supportive group. I have found that even the smallest gestures can go a long way, and that a deeper, shared sense of connection has helped us get through the toughest of times together.