Cherished Memories and Unforgettable Adventures with My Dad

Pritika Kharkwal
We also have many insightful conversations, such as about what I can improve on in life through introspection and reflection. Overall, my dad is such an integral figure in my life—insightful, fun to talk to, a role model, and, most importantly, a mentor. I love you, Dad!

It is that time of year, Father's Day! This is a day to honor and express our love and respect for our father. My dad has always been such an influential part of my life. He always takes time to listen to me, give me advice, and support me in any way possible. It is difficult to choose one day because there are so many memorable moments; however, I would say the most special set of days that are unforgettable would be when we went to India. 
When I was younger, my dad would put me on the balcony still (facing the Himalayan mountains—because where we are from in India is close to the Himalayan mountain range) and narrate fascinating stories of Jim Corbett (a famous tiger hunter in Uttarakhand, a state in India) so that I could drink milk (that I didn't like to drink, but the stories were so interesting that I often ended up finishing the entire glass of milk).  
We would spend hours on the balcony chatting, talking, and laughing. This is just one example of what has strengthened our bond over the years, but my dad is mostly the adventurer and traveler of the family, so we have had many such fun activities over the years. 
We took a day trip to some dog breeders to look at German shepherd dogs. We got some delicious, fresh food, spent the long car rides chatting, and had a wonderful time. Even on evening walks with my dad, I have a great time because he shares stories of his childhood, how they lived in India, what they did in their free time, etc.  
We also have many insightful conversations, such as about what I can improve on in life through introspection and reflection. Overall, my dad is such an integral figure in my life—insightful, fun to talk to, a role model, and, most importantly, a mentor. I love you, Dad!  
Happy Father's Day to my dad and all the wonderful fathers in the world!