Making Sense of My Pride

Michael Jarcia
You never stop coming out in life. The world is built under heteronormative standards where you will always be primarily depicted as straight. If you come out to your circle, you’ll find yourself coming out to every new person you meet. Every time you do, it becomes a little bit easier, but you never forget your first time. So, support those in the process.

Every June, I experience a plethora of feelings surrounding Pride Month: sadness for those who didn’t make it, joy for those who can publicly celebrate their identity, and uncertainty for those still living in secrecy. We’ve come a long way, but the path to equality is equally as far.  

Being out is only sometimes a night-and-day change. Some people will be surprised;, some relationships may change, but you’ll find that you make the most changes yourself. Of the friendships you keep, the boundaries will change. What makes you comfortable and what you enjoy is all your choice, unhidden, and you make that choice to share it with people.  

When I came out, I thought my life would turn upside down.  But most of the relationships you maintain will remain as they were, with more transparency. The friendships that fall were never meant to be, and the ones that change will grow with time.  

You never stop coming out in life. The world is built under heteronormative standards where you will always be primarily depicted as straight. If you come out to your circle, you’ll find yourself coming out to every new person you meet. Every time you do, it becomes a little bit easier, but you never forget your first time. So, support those in the process.  

Pride means so much more than just being queer. Every facet of life is built to fit a cishet lifestyle, so queer people must accommodate for simply existing. “Easy” aspects of life like picking roommates, traveling to different countries, or just using the bathroom can become a hassle, or even dangerous when part of the LGBTQ+ community. But the hassle is worth it because living your best life as your true self is worth the struggle.