Peer Health Exchange’s Public Statement Denouncing White Supremacist Remarks at Barnard College-Columbia University

Peer Health Exchange Team
Peer Health Exchange joins our voice with the many across Columbia University and the country who have denounced the white supremacist remarks made by a white student targeting and berating groups of students of color, primarily Black women, December 9. Barnard has since banned him from its campus, according to a statement released early ...

Peer Health Exchange joins our voice with the many across Columbia University and the country who have denounced the white supremacist remarks made by a white student targeting and berating groups of students of color, primarily Black women, December 9.

Barnard has since banned him from its campus, according to a statement released early Wednesday morning. Though Columbia University is still investigating the incident.

Today is the start of finals week for students on campus, and we acknowledge stress levels are already high. Some of the students present that night are Peer Health Exchange volunteers. To them—and any student of color on campus who was directly or indirectly affected and may be experiencing trauma-related stress, anxiety, depression, anger and confusion resulting from these hateful events—we are here for you, and reaffirm our commitment to your safety, physical and mental well-being.

We have also compiled this list of resources if you or anyone you know needs additional support:

  • Campus Counseling Services:
  • Morningside, Lerner Hall, 8th Floor (Broadway/115th)
  • Barnard, 100 Hewitt Hall, 1st Floor (Boardway/116th)
  • NAMI Helpline
  • Access Center Mental Health Emergency Line
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline

While each person may process trauma differently, we know that those from Black, Latinx, LGBTQ, immigrant and other marginalized communities may experience higher rates of psychological distress. Race-based stress and trauma, coupled with systemic racism and discrimination can have serious tolls on the health of young people of color. Peer Health Exchange denounces hate, violence and racism in all its forms, and urges you to join us in our mission.

Peer Health Exchange partners with college leaders at BCCU and across the country, to empower young people with the knowledge, skills, and resources to make healthy decisions.  We believe that all young people deserve equitable opportunities to learn about and act for their health. For our part in that work, we deliver a culturally appropriate, trauma-informed curriculum that focuses on the barriers facing the most marginalized youth. To do so, we address the effects of power and privilege in our work and strive to be anti-racist, anti-nationalist, anti-queerphobic, anti-transphobic, anti-sexist, anti-classist, and anti-ableist. To read more about our commitment to equity click here.