Bhupendra Sheoran, Board Chair


Bhupendra Sheoran has over 25 years of health care experience, starting as a medical doctor and then expanding into research, strategy, innovation and healthcare technology. Based in Oakland, California, Dr. Sheoran is the Chief of Staff at Cell-Ed, a global social enterprise that works on delivering literacy, health and well-being education to dis-advantaged communities. Previous to this. he served as the Vice President of Global Development at ETR, where he developed strategies to increase the global impact of ETRs science-based health equity programs. He also served as the Managing Director of YTH designing innovative solutions for youth health and wellness using new media and technology. A self-described “Soft Techie”, Dr. Sheoran has designed, implemented, and evaluated multiple health projects, telemedicine programs and social media campaigns to reach at-risk and hard to reach populations. He also works as a technical consultant advising agencies that want to apply new and innovative technologies to country and regional programs. Dr. Sheoran has since worked in South and Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and the U.S. in varying roles with nonprofit agencies, small businesses, the United Nations, and in academic institutions addressing the health needs of diverse populations. Sheoran has published articles in the Journal of the Association of Nurses, in AIDS Care, and the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. His work has been featured in both online and print media. Through his work, Sheoran aims to bridge the social and technology sectors by applying his clinical, public health, and technology design experience to address health issues at both individual and population level.